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Dr. Prasanns M. Kelkar

I have been using Var Erase lotion of Abhinav Pharmaceuticals, in patients suffering from varicose veins for quite some time. This is a good product and i have found it effectivity in controlling the pain and reducing the fullness of enlarged veins

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Dr Swati S Zunarrao

I am happy with the result of the Varerase lotion. It has shown a drastic change in varicosity developed due to chronic standing. The varicose veins have disappeared remarkably after using it daily for 3 months. Also, the discoloration has reduced to neglige after the application of the lotion. The complaints of pain irritating & burning to go in a months time.

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Dr. Hetal Karker

I am using var Erase lotion on my patients suffering from pain/itching and even swelling due to varicosity and regular use of varease have shown desirable efforts on above condihens like restless legs